Cerkev je posvečena svetemu Antonu Puščavniku, ki ima rojstni dan 17. januarja, na dan novega upanja za Čezsočo. V vasi od sredine novembra zaradi visokih gora okoli nje ni sonca in prvi sončni žarki se v vasi spet pojavijo na rojstni dan svetega Antona.
Kdaj točno je bila cerkev zgrajena, ne vemo. Na zemljevidu iz druge polovice 18. stoletja je še ni, je pa prikazana na katastru, ki je nastal med leti 1820 in 1830. Prvotna cerkev je bila v najstarejšem, spodnjem delu vasi, vendar stavba ne obstaja več. V arhivih najdemo njeno prvo omembo leta 1306 in je bila posvečena istemu zavetniku.
Po uničenju 1. svetovne vojne je bila cerkev leta 1927 v celoti obnovljena v neoromanskem slogu. Domneva se, da je cerkev zasnoval slavni arhitekt Maks Fabiani, vendar ni pisnih dokazov o njegovem avtorstvu. Oltarno podobo sv. Antona je leta 1931 ustvarila Emma Galli iz Gorice.
English version:
The church is dedicated to Saint Anthony of Egypt who has a birthday on 17 January, the day of new hope for Čezsoča. The village has no sun from mid-November due to the high mountains around it and the first sunshine in the village appears again on Saint Anthony’s birthday.
We don’t know exactly when the church was built. It is not yet on the map from the second half of the 18th century but it is displayed on the cadaster, which was created between 1820 and 1830. The original church was in the oldest, the lower part of the village but the building doesn’t exist anymore. In archives, we can find its first mention in 1306 and it was dedicated to the same patron.
After World War I. destruction the church was completely rebuilt in 1927 in a neo-Romanesque style. It is assumed that the church was designed by famous architect Maks Fabiani but there is no written proof of his authorship. The altar image of St. Anthony was created by Emma Galli from Gorizia/Gorica in 1931.